I never imagined that my son would fill every crevice of my heart. Derrick Landon is by far my best friend on this planet. I love spending time with him, and it is amazing to see the dynamic of our relationship evolve daily as we both grow. Here we are having a ball in our indoor hotel pool in San Francisco.
The excitement of it all was just too much for my lil man! His 1st b-day was a major one! There was a face painter, snow cone maker, jumper, and a lot of friends and family to celebrate his big day! Navy our wonderful friend and photographer always seems to capture the truest of expressions. She managed to photograph DL in his most natural state...serious, not amused, and ready to have it all be over!
It is so hard to believe how much our son has grown and how quickly time passes! Derrick Landon was all but 3 months old...we took these pictures at Target in Pasadena. I remember shopping for the perfect outfit for his first studio pictures, poor baby these look more like "first day of school" pictures rather than 3 month old baby pix! I have always treated DL like big boy, and with these pictures it is clear to see that I also dressed him like one!
Over the weekend Olivia and Derrick Landon had the opportunity to play together after they exchanged Christmas gifts!! Olivia was a wonderful play date, she was so patient with DL because she is "4" and he is only "2"! It was so cute to see them pose by the tree. Thank you Jessica for sharing this picture with me!! We love ya!