We are counting down the days till Christmas finally arrives! This year has been very exciting and full of so many changes. Derrick Landon has done a great job in transitioning and adapting and we are so proud of him. It is so wonderful to see his eyes light up every time we pass Christmas lights and decorations. We will be baking cookies for Santa and watching "It's a Charlie Brown Christmas" on x-mas eve. We are so ecstatic that Grammy Sharon from Dallas, TX will be here to spend the Holidays with us! I am also pleased to report that DL has been a good boy all year long, and has made Santa's "Nice" list! Mommy and Daddy can not wait to see his expressions when he opens his gifts this year! We also wanted to teach DL the importance of giving, so we dontated 3 large bags of clothes to needy children, along with toys and stocking stuffers. It is so important that we do not take what we have for granted, this year has been a rough one for so many, we thank God that we are able to celebrate and provide for our family.
From our family to yours...Happy Holidays!!